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Annie Leonard of The Story of Stuff released the short video The Story of Cosmetics and it’s been blazing around the blogosphere and Twitter like wildfire. If you wash your hair and body on a regular basis or use any type of makeup or personal care product, this is a must-see! It’s very easy to understand and only 7 minutes long.

After watching this video you’re likely going to have some questions, like, what does my {hair product, foundation, lotion, deodorant} have in it?  Is it bad for me?  Well, you can look up your personal care products on the Environmental Working Group’s website – Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database.  It will tell you where your product(s) rank and what ingredients are harmful to you.  You can also print off their cool pocket guide to safe cosmetics HERE.

I must confess that this is an area where I haven’t been very aware.  Now that I feel that I have a good handle on what is going IN my family’s bodies I’m ready to focus on what is going ON in my family’s bodies.  Most important to me at this point are body washes, lotions, deodorant, and face products (things that are applied and sink into the skin).  I am doing some of my own research and I’m in the process of locating and trying new products that are better for our bodies.

This is all new to me!  So, feel free to comment and help me out!  Also, be sure to check-in and we can learn from each other as we continue on this journey.  I’d love to hear your thoughts.