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We’ve been getting ready for The Feast of Tabernacles at our house and with that comes lots of scrubbing and baking in preparation for our guests this week.  We spent the better part of Sunday scrubbing down the patio furniture, pressure washing the siding and porches, weeding the flower beds, and putting up our tent, or sukkah.

Have you ever noticed how cleaning leads to more cleaning?

I mean, you clean up and then you notice more messes or jobs that need to be done!  While we were pressure washing the porch  I noticed that the porch was in desperate need of being sealed and the columns need a fresh coat of paint in a bad way!  My mom and dad were helping us get ready and we were talking about how we needed to get our calendars together so that we could schedule some home improvement days. (That is another thing that is great about living close to your family, you can help one another with big projects).  Our house needs the porch stained and the columns painted.  My mom’s bedroom needs a new coat of paint and has been on the waiting list for a while.  I’d really love to get a fence around our yard so that our poor dogs could roam a little freer (right now they are in a kennel).  And, as soon as it gets cooler outside, I am headed upstairs to do a little home makeover to the family room and make it look a little more like, well, a family room.  So, I’ll need a few pieces of furniture and a baby gate.  I’ll be sure to show you the end results!  So, stay tuned!

I’m planning to check Craigslist, Goodwill, and a few other local stores for the things I need.  And, another great resource I’ve found is CSN stores!  Much like Amazon or Overstock, CSN has anything and everything and the price is great.  You can literally find anything from coffee tables to bakeware to designer shoes.

Lucky for me, thanks to a review opportunity with CSN, I can check off baby gate because that is what I’m going to review.  Since the stairs are so long and high I really wanted one that could be secured to the wall with screws, not tension, and CSN had just what I was looking for!