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I was recently contacted by CSN Stores to do a review.  Now the tricky part is going to be deciding what to get.  I am making a list of things I need.   Judah needs a bookshelf for all his books, we need a letter holder for the mail, I really like the Dutch oven they have in the Rachel Ray cookware line.  They have a SUPER cute painting smock that I would love to get for Judah!  I also LOVE all the eco-friendly and classic wooden toys they have from PLAN toys and Melissa and Doug!  The list goes on…and on…and on….  They have so many things the hard part is going to be deciding what to get!  Decisions, decisions.

Chime in.. what would YOU get?  What is that one thing you need/want that you haven’t purchased yet for whatever reason?  Stay tuned, and I’ll share my final decision… will want win out over need?  We’ll see.